Sub Committees

Sub. 1 on Health
Primary jurisdictions include the budget and fiscal policies affecting Medi-Cal, mental health, substance abuse, and public health, and oversight of the budgets of the Department of Health Care Access and Information, Health Care Services, Managed Care, Public Health, and State Hospitals, Covered California, the Emergency Medical Services Authority, and the Mental Health Services Oversight and Accountability Commission.

Budget Consultant:
Patrick Le - Health

Hearing Schedule
Sub. 2 on Human Services
Human Services: Primary jurisdictions include the California Health and Human Services Agency, all Department of Social Services programs, including CalWORKs, In-Home Supportive Services, and Child Welfare Programs, Department of Developmental Services, Department of Rehabilitation, Department of Aging, Department of Child Support Services, the Department of Community Services and Development, and child care programs at the Department of Social Services and Education.

Budget Consultant:
Nicole Vazquez - Human Services

Hearing Schedule
Sub. 3 on Education Finance
Primary jurisdictions are Budget proposals and oversight for public education funding, including the Proposition 98 guarantee, preK-12 public schools, school facilities, community colleges, adult and career technical education, the California State University system, the University of California, the Commission on Teacher Credentialing, the Student Aid Commission, and the California State Library.

Budget Consultants:
Mark Martin - Higher Education
Erin Gabel - K-12 and Early Childhood Education

Hearing Schedule
Sub. 4 on Climate Crisis, Resources, Energy and Transportation
Primary jurisdictions are Budget proposals and oversight for climate change funding including natural resources, environmental protection, agriculture, energy, air pollution, and transportation. This includes all boards, departments, and offices under the California Natural Resources Agency, the California Environmental Protection Agency, the California State Transportation Agency, the California Department of Food and Agriculture, and the California Public Utilities Commission.

Budget Consultants:
Shy Forbes - Energy, Transportation
Christine Miyashiro - Climate Crisis, Resources

Hearing Schedule
Sub. 5 on State Administration
State Administration: Primary jurisdictions include the budget and fiscal policies affecting housing, homelessness, banking, taxation, veterans affairs, labor, employment, retirement, insurance, consumer protection, elections, and other functions related to general government.

Budget Consultants:
Genevieve Morelos - Housing and Homelessness, Revenue and Tax
Bernie Orozco - Veteran Affairs, Cannabis, Gaming and Alcohol Regulation
Guy Strahl - General Government
Genevieve McCloy - Consumer Affairs, Arts Council, Commission on Status of Women & Girls
Christian Griffith - Technology

Hearing Schedule
Sub. 6 on Public Safety
Primary jurisdictions include the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation, the Judicial Branch, the Department of Justice, the Office of Emergency Services, the Board of State and Community Corrections, the Commission on Peace Officer Standards and Training, the California Victims Compensation Board, the California Military Department, and the Office of the State Public Defender.

Budget Consultants:
Jennifer Kim - Public Safety
Bernie Orozco - Public Safety (Office of Emergency Services)

Hearing Schedule
Sub. 7 on Accountability and Oversight
Primary jurisdiction is on accountability and oversight.

Budget Consultant:
Christian Griffith - Accountability and Oversight

Hearing Schedule

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